Some believe the healing activity should never be administered to a proxy on behalf of the person who needs healing. But careful examination, of the 26 well documented healings performed by Jesus Christ, reveals that at least three healings were requested by proxies acting on behalf of the persons needing to be healed [Nobleman’s Son, John 4:46-54; Centurion’s Servant, Mat 8:5-13; Canaanite Woman’s Daughter, Mat 15:21-28]. Jesus not only honored the request of each proxy but, concerning the centurion and the Canaanite woman, Jesus commended their “great faith.” In addition to “great faith,” the Canaanite woman demonstrated incredible persistence in the face of withering admonitions from Jesus. Similarly, in addition to “great faith,” the centurion demonstrated great humility. Jesus also honored the faith and persistence of the nobleman. Jesus made note of the unshakeable faith, resolute desire for healing and overall character of each proxy. Jesus showed no interest in the faith, desire for healing and character of the three persons who actually needed healing. Jesus healed, by the power of the Holy Spirit, based on His assessment of the proxies and not on His assessment of those represented by the proxies.
Perhaps in the Christian Church today, a proxy might also play a central role in healing. The minister of healing would say: As you (proxy) are outwardly anointed with this oil, may your loved one be inwardly anointed by the peace, mercy and grace, by the love and healing power of the Holy Spirit… As I lay my hands upon you, may the healing hands of God the Father embrace every fiber of your loved ones being…. Multitudes of sick, injured and disabled will never come to a church for healing. A proxy may be the only way they will ever receive the power of a healing activity.
The various proxies, in New Testament times, were not merely sterile conduits connecting Jesus to the sick; but rather each proxy played a central role in healing. Neither the son, the servant nor the daughter would have been healed without the intervention of proxies who met the standards of Jesus. Since we understand the role of a proxy in the healing ministry of Jesus, how can we, in this age, condemn that role as unscriptural?
If you, or someone you care about, needs to receive the healing activity
- Anointing with oil (James 5:14; Mark 6:13)
- Laying on of hands (Mark 16:18; Acts 28:8)
- Prayer (James 5:14; Acts 28:8)
and no one who believes in divine healing is available to conduct this activity, email to me (bottom of Home Page) a first name and the nature of the affliction. I will conduct the healing activity using a proxy on behalf of you or your friend.
(See also Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of Theology Corner)